Thank you, Wendy so very much... I really need your prayers!!!!!!.. Waku
sort of stopped playing now.. and I am a bit freaking out so much!!

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: bella's baby -Waku update


I hope that all turns out well with Bella's babies at
the vet.  I'll keep them in my prayers.  Please keep
us posted.


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> The vet just called me and told me that the fecal
> sample was negative
> and they did not see anything.. though I did notice
> her stool is sort of
> green --- do you know anything about the stool color
> and conditions?
> And it was sort of lose... 
> Now, I am thinking.. what could be wrong?  She does
> not eat much other
> than nursing.. and could it be that she is lacking
> calorie?? I am
> worried because she is less active than other
> babies.. I had Bella
> checked on Felk/FIV when she was pregnant and it was
> negative... but now
> I am freaking out.. how about if she has a horrible
> viral disease??????
> I am so nervous. I am supposed to take her to the
> vet tomorrow...
> everyone please pray that she won't have any serious
> viral
> always scares me...

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