More prayers for Madison Lee.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Me too, Lora.  I'll be praying that the lump is nothing more than fatty tissue and be thinking about the two of you come Wed.  Has it grown, or changed in anyway since you spotted it?  Does it hurt her when you manipulate it?  Does it seem to move as you play with it, or does it remain in one place, like it's attached to something?  Please keep us informed.  Try not to worry before you know if there's anything to be too concerned about.  I know that's easier said than done, but you're on top of it and worry won't help.
Hugs to you and your baby,

Kat wrote:
<>Hi Lora,

Prayers coming your way for your little Madison Lee's lump to be just a
fatty tumor.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, Lora wrote:

Could you please add my darling little Madison Lee to
the "Special Needs" list? She is one of my FeLV
negatives who is a five (5) year old black and white

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