How wonderful you got a new baby!  I just loved reading the update.
In a message dated 8/9/2006 7:41:24 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi everyone,
So much sad news on this list this week.  Reading about your losses really made me face my fears about adopting a kitten, but I had to laugh at myself after I was so solemn driving to the humane society, and then when I saw her, I couldn't wait to tell her that she was going home, I was so filled with glee.  I've been absolutely delighted with every little thing she does.  I can only imagine what I'll be like as a mom if I get this excited over a kitten's first poo (and not a first poo ever, just a first poo in my litterbox).  Whoever just recently said that realistic expectation don't help that much in the end is certainly right.  I've been trying to keep myself steady, but man does your heart fill up fast.
I hope that updating you all helps those of you that have just lost one (or two) of your friends.  I hope that they are here with my new one, telling her about all the wonderful things they've learned from you all.
So I brought home my little girl kitten last night.  She is very mature.  She wasn't shy at all on the way home, batting around her new collar and tags in the Humane Society carrier.  She's curious, but cautious in her new room (the bathroom) at my apartment.  So many different noises and tectures and funny business going on in there.  She will watch the water dribbling from the faucet with fascination, but prefers to sit at one end of the bath tub and watch it from far away, or from the edge looking down at it.  She observes everything and is a calm 2-month old, but still plays with balls and chases the laser light.  She seems to like sitting on the floor and being rubbed more than sitting on my lap and being rubbed, but when I stand and pay attention to something else (like brushing my teeth) she'll come and stand on my feet and stretch up against my leg for attention.  She trills and we've had good conversations about the state of things so far.  She likes to curl up in the towel with my scent that I bunched up in a tight place for her, I imagine that after the constant noise of the humane society, a bit of quiet is a good, new thing.
She and Satchmo batted paws under the door.  He is very curious as to who is behind there and she is very eager to meet him.  They've just been shadowdancing so far, but I think that it will be a smooth transition. 
Her appetite seems good, though I'm like a grandmother, she can't eat enough as far as I'm concerned.  She's small, maybe a couple of pounds, and has a nice little round belly.  Her eyes are clear and her breathing sounds good, but sometimes she', cough for lack of a better word.  It's kind of like a hork.  But no vomiting.  Like her breath gets caught suddenly, or something, do you know what I'm talking about?  I've got her first vet appt set up for Friday, so we'll see what they say - she doesn't feel feverish (cool ears/paw pads).  I'd like to wait until after that to do the full cat to cat introduction, but it's hard when you know that they want to meet.  They have seen each other and Satch stretches out a few feet away from his side of the bathroom door, just watching, waiting.
What do you think?  Like I said, clean, dry eyes and nose - but...I don't know how to describe it.  A very dry cough?, a backwords cough like dogs get sometimes? but it doesn't continue for long, just a couple of small bursts.  I could take her temp as a deciding factor to see if she's running a little higher than normal.
I'm thinking of a few names - I vacillate between something big and fierce (Godzilla) and something sweet and fleeting (Sparrow).  Godzilla would really give the leukemia virus, or any other opportunistic buggers, something to think about, and she could be Zill, or Zilly, for short.  But Sparrow would be like a little bird, would capitalize on her trill, and I could call her Little Bird.  And then there's Capt. Jack Sparrow.
Anyway, my heart really goes out to those of you who have experienced recent loss.  All I can say is that I am sorry and that I understand.  Not very wise, but very empathetic.

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