Thank you, Nina.  Mama Kitty stayed inside last night.  She went out briefly this morning but I convinced her to stay in the house today while I am at work and she seemed content in her little nest on the couch.

I have never seen this dog before (although I suspect that it is one I hear barking all the time) and honestly haven't seen that neighbor before.  The dog was totally out of control.  They were running after it and it was going crazy - headed straight to my house.

I do believe they were trying to keep the dog confined because the mother was yelling at the son for letting the dog get out.  I never said anything.  I noticed that a car in front of their house had all four doors open for a couple of hours so there were probably some upsetting things going on at that house and as upset as I was, I just had to let it go.  There is just no way to know what they may be going through.

I know that they didn't mean any harm and the dog probably didn't mean any harm - but it could have killed her.  Mama Kitty is great friends with Brittany, the lab next door...and Levi, the dachsie across the street.  They are all pals and they kiss noses and get along well.  I'm sure she wasn't accoustomed to being viewed as a toy rag doll.  I'm hoping that I will be able to use this opportunity to convince Mama Kitty that she would be safer as an indoor cat.

The screened living area idea is a brilliant one and I will give this some thought.  I think she would be perfectly content with that arrangement.

hugs right back,
*Save the earth. It's the only planet with chocolate.*
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: >:-(

I'm so pleased to hear that Mama is eating and playing and seems to have escaped injury.  I completely understand why you are so upset.  What a terrible thing to have happened.  I just want to point out though, how incredibly lucky you guys are that that dog wasn't a killer.  It could have been far worse as I'm sure you realize.  The fact that the dog had her in his mouth and Mama is still here, tells me that as awful as the whole thing was, the dog was actually playing.  He probably has no idea of the upset he's caused.  As for the neighbors...  There's no sense in alienating them with your anger.  I would try a different tact, (if you are able).  Maybe it's because I'm a dog trainer, maybe it's because I used to be a "dog person", but I think it might be better to enlist the help of his owners in teaching him that cats are not to be chased, or treated like toys.  It sounds like they were trying to keep him confined, maybe they'll be more careful in the future, but I wouldn't count on it.  Is this a friendly dog with people?  Does he like you?  If they would train him in obedience, then you could work with him a little bit to get him to respect you.  That way the next time you see him on your property, you'd have some control.  You may not be willing to look at it from this angle, it's just a suggestion.   If training him isn't possible, then I'd make sure the garden hose is at the ready at all times.  Whenever you see the dog, hose him but good and tell him to stay out of your territory. 

I understand not wanting to keep Mama confined.  I understand the quality over quantity thing, but you have a dangerous situation at your house.  If this happens again, and you're not so lucky next time, you'd never be able to forgive yourself.  Mama may be more willing to stay in the house now.  I'd try it again.  I have a habitat made out of chain link dog runs and topped with wood and netting on the side of my house.  I have shelves and carpeted poles leading to my bedroom window and the crawl space beneath the house is open.  Is it possible to build something like that at your house?  You said Mama likes to hang out on your porch, could you screen that in and make it a safe place for her to be outside?

Hugs to you and Mama Kitty.  What an ordeal!

I'm very upset right now.  I was walking out to get the mail and my neighbor's mail (he's out of town) when I heard a lot of yelling and turned around in time to see a dog going after Mama Kitty - in MY yard on MY sidewalk.  She was wild with fear and well she should have been.  I dropped the mail - it went everywhere - and started running after that dog screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 
Mama climbed up the big oak more than 8 ft but then she fell and hit the ground hard and that horrible dog picked her up in his mouth.  She's just a tiny thing.  She got away and ran up the arbor in the back that has to be 10ft tall and I chased that sorry black dog away.  I got her down from the arbor and she ran to the backyard - terrified. 
I just stood with her a moment and talked to her and then she ran to the back window pawing to get in.  I picked her up and carried that sweet girl inside and she's in here now with eyes fully dilated.  Keeps looking out the window.  With FeVL she does NOT need this kind of stress.
Those sorry neighbors haven't even checked to see if Mama is ok.  I am furious but trying to be calm for her sake.  I don't think she has any broken skin or broken bones but it is probably too soon to tell if she is really hurt because she is going on adrenalin.  I've a good mind to say something to them about it.  I could hear the mother yelling 'who let the dog out' .... but that doesn't do much for Mama Kitty.
Thanks for letting me rant - I am so upset. 

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