
I am so sorry about precious Spencer.  I hope you find
some comfort in knowing that you did what was best for
Spencer.  His body is whole again and free from pain. 
I know when we lose 1 of our babies it leaves a hole
in our heart but we are all so blessed to have known
and taken care of these precious souls. 
I hope you find peace in knowing that one day you and
your sweet precious boy will see each other again. 
Your in my thoughts and prayers.

Cindy Reasoner

--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Belinda and All,
> I'm so sad and numb this morning.  So completely
> worn out, I know you 
> all understand how I'm feeling.  Spencer had been so
> weak yesterday, but 
> still so attentive and loving, what an incredible
> spirit this boy has. 
> The vet was late, (I'm so glad he was), and I had
> been laying next to 
> Spencer on our bed, keeping him company while we
> waited.  He lifted his 
> head and tried to move, but he just couldn't get his
> once magnificent 
> body to work.  I decided to bring him out front.  He
> used to love going 
> out with his dogs every morning to get the paper and
> I thought he might 
> enjoy going out one more time.  I was right. 
> Unbelievably, he rallied 
> and was actually able to stumble to his favorite
> spot under my Jeep 
> parked in the driveway.  He even drank from the
> feral's water bowl. 
> I couldn't stand seeing him on the uncomfortable
> cement any longer and 
> put him on his bed and we sat and quietly watched
> the neighborhood 
> comings and goings from the front steps.
> I had just brought him back inside when I saw my vet
> approaching up the 
> front walk.  Heaven help me, but I wanted to scream,
> NO!  NOT YET!  Of 
> course, it was time to finally say goodbye.
> Do you still do tributes with their pictures?  I'm
> going to send you his 
> picture off-list to include in case you do.  Bless
> it, this was a hard 
> one, (but then I guess there just aren't any easy
> ones, are there?).
> I want to express my gratitude once again to this
> incredible list of 
> caring people.  I went through such contortions
> dealing with Spencer's 
> illness and decline.  I don't know how I would have
> coped without your 
> support and prayers.
> Much love as always,
> Nina

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