Does Baytrill help with an URI?  I hope Lucy starts
feeling better soon.

Cindy Reasoner

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My vet mentioned zithro and said it does not usually
> cause GI symptoms, but  
> that she got so sick from the clavamox that he is
> afraid to try any strong abx 
>  right now.  We gave her .25 ml of Immuno-Regulin
> today, which is a pretty  
> low dose but he has never used it before and did not
> feel comfortable starting  
> out higher.  He thinks it won't do anything anyway,
> because there are no  
> studies saying it does, but I know that it helps
> sometimes.  She came home  and 
> had loose stool for the first time in a week, I
> think because all she has  been 
> eating is baby food, which is not great for her IBD.
>  But then she ate  a few 
> pieces of her normal cooked turkey food, warmed up,
> and groomed herself,  
> which she also was not doing the past two days.  She
> did the eye thing  again, 
> though, after not doing it since last night-- I
> kissed her head near her  eye 
> (not on it though) and she kept the eye closed for a
> minute or so  afterwards.  
> The vet thinks we are just dealing with a URI that
> needs stronger treatment  
> than her intestines can handle, so we are walking a
> fence.  I think if the  
> I-R and fluids and TLC don't start clearing up her
> nose in the next few days,  
> though, I am going to try Amoxicyllin and see if it
> can help her beat the URI  
> without trashing her intestines. 
> Thanks,
> Michelle 
> In a message dated 11/9/2006 12:51:10 P.M. Eastern
> Standard Time,  
> Clavamox doesn't seem like the right thing to go
> back to.  Someone  mentioned 
> Zithromax.  Is there a atomic bomb type antibiotic? 
>  Something that just 
> knocks the crap out of the URI, but quickly?  My 
> thought is that any new thing 
> to her system will aggravate the IBD, so if  you
> have to introduce something, 
> try to lessen it's course - I don't know if  there
> is an antibiotic that has a 
> shorter course by design. 
> When my vet prescribes Zithro, it is for one dose
> daily for 3 days, then  3 
> doses 3 days apart.  In my experience, it knocks the
> crap out of URI  
> quickly:).  I like my vet to go straight to Zithro
> and he will, but I'm  generally 
> dealing with a particularly virulent form of shelter
> URI that  will kill cats if 
> messed around with, especially in kittens.  

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