It's possible if body heat or a warm office is kicking in after you've gotten dressed in the morning.  I try to keep my clothes in the (barricaded) closet or in drawers.  If I leave something on a chair or on the floor, I know I'm asking for trouble.  And I ALWAYS smell whatever I'm about to put on.
My high point was when I put on my bra one morning and noticed that it felt cold.  Then the realization slowly sank in.  It wasn't cold, it was WET. Trixie peed on it.  I was wearing a bra with Trixie piss on it!

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My supervisor just called me in for a meeting and apparently people have been complaining that I smell like cat urine.
I do have some sprayers.  I wash my clothes with Oxyclean and I bathe every day, of course.  I have only smelled cat urine on myself once and then I was aware of it.
Could I smell bad and not know it?

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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