Yes, you could -- and I know that from experience.   Thank goodness, finally my best friend told me the truth about this.  I, too, was SO embarassed - I sure couldn't smell it myself.  Apparently we get used to the smell and can't notice it.    You can get those plastic clothes storage bags and put things in your closet in them - I think that helps.  I have been dealing with this for a few years and I don't honestly know that I have the complete solution.  I am anxious to hear what everyone else on the list says.   Sometimes what I do is put clean clothes in the dryer with fabric softner sheets -- SCENTED ONES ! -- before I put them on.   And use perfume.  Maybe someone has a better solution. 

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My supervisor just called me in for a meeting and apparently people have been complaining that I smell like cat urine.
I do have some sprayers.  I wash my clothes with Oxyclean and I bathe every day, of course.  I have only smelled cat urine on myself once and then I was aware of it.
Could I smell bad and not know it?

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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