I briefly looked for where I ordered it from and couldn't find it. Here's the link for the page on Vetri-Science website, (the company that makes it). They have links for where to purchase the Oli-vet product. It comes in a paste as well as capsule. The Oli-vet has a larger percentage of oleuropein (37.5mg) per capsule than other brands I looked at.


Big hugs,

Kerry Roach wrote:
Hi everyone,
Thanks so much for your prayers. We just got back from the vet again..His temp was 105.5 Sat. So they called the vet and we gave him 2cc of dex along with another polyflex and baytril injection..He got some metronidazole as he has a loose stool...I never could get him to eat on Fri so I did force some a/d with a syringe down him..He seems to hurt all over again. He also got another 250cc subq fluids.. He did sit up for the ride home, but wasn't interested in anything when we got home really..He did nibble on a few pieces for dry food and a couple of bits of can. I am hoping all the dex will kick in really soon to get the temp down and he will eat.. Nina, where did you buy the oli-vet, natural antibiotic? I haven't had time to check the 2 places I use for supps, but would appreciate the info. Michelle, No we haven't done the IR, but am considering it Monday if the temp will go down..did it make Lucy have a rise in temp? I know it can so we would really need Bandy's temp to be down for it..I agree with you...I should try it...Also, what dosage? Do you think .25cc would be ok first time then repeat how often? I just haven't had time to go look back to see what you told me the last time..So if you could let me know again, I would really appreciate it.. Do you give it 3 or 4 times with a few days in between?
Also, any other thoughts...
We will keep you posted..
Thanks again.
Kerry, Bandy and Inky

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