The only med problem my Tucson has had is a couple of episodes of low white
blood count.  Both times, vet gave her a series of immuno-regulin shots and
count went right back up.  Both times, I knew something was up with her
because she wouldn't eat-she's18 lbs so eating is a big thing for her!!!  




-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry Roach
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 6:38 AM
Subject: Prayers needed for Bandy


Hi everyone,

My Bandy has been very sick this week..First, we are still fighting the
ringworm, but it is our least worry for now..He starting getting limp in one
rear leg as he did back in the summer..So I took him in on Tues. and he
received basically same treatment as in the summer...He got some dex,
adequan, B vit inj, and torbutrol for pain..His temp was 103.5 which is the
highest it has been since Aug..he did seem to respond as he came home, ate
ok and drank...climbed up on his tower and would purr and talk to me..Then
on Fri. or really late Thurs night, he wouldn't eat at all or move about
much..So I took him back to the doctor Fri afternoon...His temp was still
around 103 which could explain the bad appetite, but I didn't know what else
to do and still don't...

So the vet tech called the Doctor since she is off on Fri..we ran a complete
blood chem and profile and thyroid...He hasn't had all that since June so we
were due...It didn't help us much either...Surprising enough his PCV was
37.5 which is great...the WBC was low normal...some other blood values grans
and monocytes were off which I don't know what all that means..his platlets
were very low...Anyone know anything about that????

I'm really scared for him now...He doesn't seem to have URI or UTI and no
mouth stomach trouble either..He did have a loose stool couple of
times the other day. Probably from all the meds on Tues..

I can't get him to eat...I have tried everything...He will eat a few bites
at  a time and won't drink any broth either..I don't know what else to
try...Please let me know what you all think.

He also got 250cc subq and 2 different antibiotic injections
along with 5mg pred which we are going on for a week..and if he won't eat I
am to up it to 10mg..also oxazepam for appetite stimulant...

Please keep him in your prayers..

I hope all your kitties are doing well...we send head butts to all..

Kerry, Bandy and Inky

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