interferon with I-R is ok.  I have not heard or read about any  interactions 
between I-R and anything else, but can not know for sure.
So glad he is feeling better. I do think it's a URI. Lucy just had fever,  
lethargy, and inappetance, sneezed a couple of times and I saw her nose bubble  
once or twice, but no runny nose or eyes or anything.  I think Bandy has a  
similar, if not the same, thing.
In a message dated 12/17/2006 8:25:38 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Hi everyone,
Well, so far so good...I went shopping with some friends after I got  Bandy 
home from the vet on that is hard for me to do when he is so  sick, but 
I thought....he has had all the meds he can get for the day along  with subq 
fluids..I thought it might be best that he rest and I leave him  alone so he 
can do that..When I returned 12 hrs later, he was sitting up in  his bed and 
had eaten some dry food along with little can food and some  grilled chicken 
liver. I sat in the floor with him and he talked to me and was  purring 
don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I am hoping he is on  the mend..Along 
with him having this leg problem which seems much better, I  think he has a 
mild URI cause a couple of wks ago, Inky was sneezing and he is  in the 
opposite end of the house from Bandy, but I was around him and probably  spead 
it to 
Bandy since it wouldn't take much for him to come down with  anything..Bandy 
did sneeze a few times the last few days but has no runny nose  or eyes..I 
really think there might be something to that..Any opinions about  that??  
Thanks Nina and Michelle for the info.. I will check out the oli-vet  later 
today.  And I am going to talk to his vet on Monday about the IR..I  am going 
to see if she won't give him the .25 dose.  Do you know if there  are any side 
effects with any other meds being given at the same time?   He is on adequan 
for the inflammation in the leg which is done in the muscle,  I think..he will 
get it again on Tues and for 3 more wks..Also, what about the  interferon 
along with the IR..?  That is one thing he gets daily and has  since July, 2005.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers..Ours are with you all,  too.
Kerry, Bandy and Inky


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