When Smokey first started taking the IR he would also
get a shot of Winstrol every other week for about 2
months.  The vet said it would help him to feel
better.  I can't remember what Winstrol is now.  I
have found that memory isn't what it use to be.  I
hope you can try the IR.  Bandy is in my prayers.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I lied-- one more email. If your vet is hesitant to
> use I-R with steroids,  
> have him call the vet in Ohio, Dr. Mike Lees, who
> wrote the article. The name 
> of  his hospital is, I think, on the article (on
> _www.felineleukemia.org_ 
> (http://www.felineleukemia.org) ) or some contact 
> info of some sort, since that is 
> how I found him when I called him. He was very  nice
> and willing to talk and 
> share his experiences with I-R, and with I-R 
> combined with steroids.
> ok, now I really won't write any more on this.
> Michelle

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