She's precious!

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    Oh, definitely, I would never let 
Missy go uncared for.  But it is about time to take her to the cardiologist 
again and I'm scared.  She's the best cat.  She's not afraid of anything, and 
when peopel come over she will jump into their arms.  She's never known 
anything but love, except when she was dumped at the shelter @ 8 weeks with her 
littermates, and I didn't let them stay there long.  It was love at first sight 
with her though.  I think I hold her at least 4 hours a day.  She's very smart 
  Here's her little picture:

  On 12/26/06, Barb Moermond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:         
  I think with most of us here on this list, that it's not seeing any other 
option (that can be comfortably lived with) but to care for these animals.  We 
all get so much love from our animals, who just want to be loved in return.  To 
not take care of an animal that has been adopted/rescued/brought into our lives 
is simply unthinkable.  I believe that all of us have in common that when we 
take on the care of an animal, we assume 100% responsibility for every aspect 
of their well-being, no matter now uncomfortable or painful it is for us.  The 
love and joy brought into our lives erases/subdues the painful bits.  Maybe not 
right away, but it does. 
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his 
life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
- Anonymous   

  ----- Original Message ----
From: Kelley Saveika < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: felvtalk <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 12:03:42 PM 
Subject: How do yall do it?

  Hi guys,
  I don't have an FELV+ that I know of, but I do have a kitty with VSM 
(ventricular septal defect) - a heart condition.  She could die at any time, or 
she could live for quite a while.  (If you could add her to the prayer list, 
that would be great).  Her name is Missy, and I love her more than anything in 
the world. 
  She had an echocardiogram and was diagnosed with VSM this summer.  I think I 
have cried every day since.  Before she had the echo I thought she would be 
dead every day when I got home.  Now I'm sure she will be.  Nice as the heart 
list people are, I can't really read that list; it is too close to home.  I can 
barely read this one, and I cry a lot here too. 
  How do yall stand it?  I don't think I am strong enough.

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