I think a cardiologist is a good idea. Joey has HCM and gets an echo every year now, was every 6 to9 months but he is stable so we get to wait a year. He is on benazepril for it an it seems to be keeping things OK. He does have high BP which my vet doesn't want to treat yet but I am going to talk to her again about since it's obvious the benazepril it's doing anything for that.

Just got back from Fred's blood work appointment and was shocked and scared to learn his BP is extremely high at 284, we are going to wait and see what his kidney's look like with tomorrows blood work results and then see what kind and what dose of blood pressure meds we can put him on, they all seem to be hard on the kidney's. He hasn't been eating good but the feeding tube is out for now until we get the BP under control, she said that may be causing the inappetence too.

Sure hope your furbaby is healthy for a long, long time!!


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