Welcome to the world of Owner Surrenders! What one says is certainly usually
NOT what one gets! It's common for a "sweet kitty with no problems" to
actually arrive to you as "kitty from hell about to gouge out your eyeballs
in a fit of rage". That being said, you do sometimes get a cat in that
really was a good cat in it's own home, and is just so totally freaked out
by the change and new surroundings and strangers that it will just freak out
and seem completely feral. My suggestion is to keep her as you are, in a
smaller room, and give her lots of hiding places, like boxes nested inside
each other, baskets, and a kennel with an open door (or the door removed).
When you are in with her, move very slowly; NEVER make eye contact, always
keep your shoulders angled away from her, never face her straight on, as
that is threatening body language. When you HAVE to look at her, squint your
eyes, but keep your face relaxed, as narrowed eyes are a sign of
friendliness in cats. Don't try to approach her or touch her. Sit down on
the other side of the room and don't face her, but sit in there quietly
while she eats, just so she gets used to your presence. Move slowly, be
quiet while you are in her room. She may come around. Or maybe not, and the
owner might have completely made up the fact that she is tame, just so you
would take her. It happens.


Donations Needed for Whitey's emergency Vet Care!
12/24/06 Whitey Pictures: http://ucat.us/Whitey/WhiteyNewPics.html
Whitey Models on Ebay:

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