My apologies to Missy.  I can only speak from experience.  :))  By the way, I 
know what a grey tabby is but what does a blue tabby look like?  You can 
imagine the shades of blue I am thinking of.  

Have you tried the Feliway spray in her nesting area?  It will make her feel 
safer.  I used bottles of the stuff with the Royal Princess Kitty Katt.  

                                                 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
                                                 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kelley Saveika 
  Sent: Monday, January 01, 2007 5:56 AM
  Subject: Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

  Miss Caroline has gotten a TINY bit better.  I fixed her up a nest in the 
linen closet, with the door cracked open.  Sometimes she will go and get in it, 
and then the growling is not as severe.  Sometimes she chooses to still be in 
the sink, though, and then we get the growling, the bared teeth, tail swishing, 
and hissing. 

  She also has not eaten anything:(.  She has urinated a tiny bit in the litter 
box, so I guess she is drinking at least a small amount.

  And Missy and I take umbrage at your statement.  It is quite clear to us that 
blue tabbies rule the world!:)

  On 12/31/06, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
    It is totally amazing how much the ones that require the most work and most 
patience come to mean to us.  This darling chose you.  You are honored beyond 

    PS  I know what you mean about Calicos ruling the world-----------I had the 
privilege of living with the Royal Princess Kitty Katt.

                                                     If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
                                                     from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
                                                     will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: TenHouseCats 
      Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2006 10:06 AM
      Subject: Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

      let me tell you about lacey susan, whom i affectionately refer to as my 
psychotic, all-4-paw-declawed psychotic calico.... she was rescued at 4 weeks,  
and lived with one woman til she was 5 years old. she was front-declawed as a 
baby, and rear-declawed at around 3, because the new husband was worried about 
his hardwood floors. (the cat weighed about 8# at her heaviest.)  the husband 
died, and the baby was born--and it was one of those babies who truly was 
allergic to everything, including milk. so lacey went to live with her grandma, 
where she spent all her time hiding under the computer desk. 

      she came into the shelter where i volunteered, and i was told that she 
was most probably going to have to be euthed because she was nuts.... she'd do 
the headbonk, nudge, pet-me, pet-me, love-me, hiss, growl, bite, 
i'm-going-to-rip-off-your-face, headbonk, pet-me, pet-me routine.... she also 
looked almost identical to my FirstCalico, who'd gone to the bridge two years 
previously--and as you know, it's not usual to find two calicos with markings 
that similar. so, of course, i had to give her a chance. i am NOT reliably a 
communicator, but some cats DO talk quite clearly to me, and she has always 
been one. i realized she was terrifed, and acting out of fear and abandonment. 
i figured, hey, she has no claws, and as long as i stay away from the teeth, 
what's she gonna do to me, anyway? started out talking to her in her cage, and 
i promised her that no one would ever hurt her.... left her a shirt of mine to 
sleep with, to have my scent. over the following days, i was able to pick her 
up--the only person who could--and take her into the huge staff bathroom we 
had. i'd take a book, some toys, and just sit on the floor and leave her be. 
she'd sniff under the door, come over and nudge me, play with the toys, 
headbonk, and demand petting in between her "i'm going to kill you, human" 
episodes. i'd spend an hour or two with her each day. she'd go ballistic when i 
went to put her back in the cage, but other than that, she was definitely 
calming down--for me, at least. 

      there was a volunteer there who was big and fast, with very little 
awareness of cat signals, and not too surprisingly, she bit him one day, so she 
went into isolation for ten days--but i continued to work with her, and she 
continued to respond. she was still nuts, mind you, but less so. 

      the shelter board asked me to write up an evaluation on her so they could 
decide whether she should be put up for adoption, and one of the members 
decided that she could tame her, and took her home for two weeks. when she came 
back, she was worse than when she'd first come into the shelter, poor dear. the 
board had decided that she could only go to an only cat home, so i would not be 
able to adopt her. i was broken hearted, and pretty much stayed away from her, 
because i didn't want to get close to her again. 

      two weeks later, they told me i could take her if i wanted to, because i 
was the only person she'd ever responded to, and otherwise they'd have to 
euthanize her. i was ecstatic. i was concerned about how she'd do with the 
fully-clawed cats in the house--ha! i swear this cat files her teeth down in 
her spare time, they were in far more danger from her than she ever was from 
them! it was awful--she was attacking them constantly, as she'd managed to 
figure out how to reliably get out of the isolation space. she was attacking 
everything, actually--furniture, stuffed animals, me.... i had rescue remedy in 
a  carrier solution which i could spray on her and the surroundings, and it 
seemed to help a bit, but after two weeks, it was rapidly becoming clear that 
something had to change. i was up on the bed with her, and i was in tears. she 
was letting me pet her, and i asked her if she really wanted to be on this 
earth any longer, that she was terrorizing the other cats and drawing way too 
much of my blood, and that things just could not go on like this. the little 
motley punk climbed onto my lap, and purred for 45 minutes. and things began to 
get better from then on. 

      that was seven and a half years ago. she STILL hates other cats, and will 
still attack stuffed animals when hissed off. she told me, after a bit, that 
she would NEVER be a pet again, because it hurt too much. that MAYBE, if i kept 
her as long as her first mom had, she would CONSIDER really trusting me.... 
this is a cat who did NOT purr--very occasionally she would practice what she 
insisted was "rhythmic growling," and would stop as soon as she was caught at 
it. (once we actually had the vet come out, because she'd been purring 
constantly, and we knew that there was something wrong!) almost five years to 
the day from when she came to live with me, she started purring more 
regularly.... she lived on top of the refrigerator for about 6 months after we 
moved into one place; lived on top of my computer monitor for ages at another 
point (and has never quite forgiven me for getting lcd monitors.) 

      i adore this cat, and have known since the first few months that, in her 
own very calico way, she loves me, too. (she's the spokescat for CaLiCo, the 
Calico Liberation Coalition, the radical, left-paw social and political 
organization dedicated to world domination.) she will NEVER be the cuddly 
little lapcat that her first mom swears she was, but i feel honored to share 
her life. 

      she is in early stages of CRF now, still treatable by diet. (she was 
raised on delicat, ie, garbage food, and would NOT eat ANYTHING else--would 
literally starve rather than eat good stuff.... quite annoying.)  she's on a 
homemade  diet now,  so is in a room of her own which she  LOVES, considering 
how much she dislikes other cats. she's positively affectionate now when i go 
into that room, and it's a joy. i have a meezer foster who, alone amongst the 
other cats, has figured out to get in and out through the screen door into that 
room, and they're actually been seen sleeping next to one another--i pretend 
not to notice, of  course. 

      lacey susan is one of the greatest gifts of my rescue life. 

      Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
      Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


      AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
      ICQ: 289856892 

  Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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