I gave Junior some probiotics that you sent me. I cleaned out the litter
boxes earlier today, so I cannot verify if he has pooed. I brought his box
back into my bedroom so I can monitor the situation. He does not seem in
distress at this time other than me giving him the dreaded eye ointments. I
will try to get some pumpkin before I go to work. Or I could just cook the
one sitting on my deck. I let you know how it goes.




Sally Davis


Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story

please help us if you can

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Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 6:08 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Junior


Could it be constipation? Seen any poos in the box? If not, give him some
canned pumpkin. You don't happen to have any lactulose laying around by
chance? Pumpkin will be the next best thing that you can just run to the
grocery and get tonight. I'd do it now, the sooner the better. Antibiotics
can kill the good gut flora.. so if you have any probiotics, give him those
too.. or plain yogurt (make sure it says it has live active bacteria on the
label). If he hasn't moved his bowels in 3 days, it's considered an
emergency, and you should get him to the vet first thing Monday. If he can't
pee, you should take him within 24 hours, but you said he did pass a little





The easy way out has a bad reputation.
Why would anyone take the hard way out?
"The door? No thanks, that would be the easy way out. I'm jumping out the


Quote by: Les U. Knight

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