Nina, thank you so much.  Please do send prayers Jack's way.  He disappeared on 
Jan. 1st and there hasn't been a day, hardly that someone from his family or 
our rescue group hasn't been "on the streets" looking for him and talking to 
people.  I really do like the business card idea -- we did, in addition to 
flyers, half-size "handbills" -- half of an 81/2 x 11 page which we put on 
doors and gave to people - but the business cards are easier for people to hold 
on to.  The neighborhood is really interesting -- an old downtown 'hood area 
where people are moving in and renovating old homes.  Lots of boarded up homes, 
brushy areas mixed in with better cared for places.  Last night a couple of 
kids brought a black cat to Dianne's (Jack's mom) door thinking it was Jack.  
It wasn't but Dianne took it in because it had an injured tail and took to vet 
this morning.   She's also taken all unaltered animals she's trapped to be 
altered.  Our rescue group has discovered in this search
 that this is the neighborhood where we want to begin to concentrate on tnr- we 
are calling our effort "The Jackie Project" in Jack's honor -- we have met many 
wonderful people with essentially zero resources who are willing to feed strays 
but can't afford spay neuter.   Jack's nicknames are Jackie and Ducky.  He is 
black but with a brownish tint in the sun.  He has lots of sinus problems and 
lots of the time has the tip of his tongue sticking out.  I have been amazed 
that every single person we have talked to -- including knocking on the door at 
all hours -- has been indredible -- not one single person has refused a request 
to let us check basements or walk their property -- and we have felt safe even 
though this is a neighborhood high in drug activity and police activity.  Other 
than not finding Jack yet it has been a totally positive experience.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi Susan,
I haven't had any experience with Judi Byers.  I use an AC named Jasmine Indra 
for most of my needs: 
I love Jasmine and she seems to connect with my animals pretty well, (lost pets 
are not her specialty though). 

There is a woman that I used when my sister's cat went missing and when Spencer 
disappeared while he was so sick.  Her name is Carol Robinson and she does 
specialize in lost animals.  Here's her website:
Carol is such a lovely person.  She even kept in contact with me after Spencer 
returned.  She wasn't inexpensive though.

I did used to be friendly with a woman who was reasonably priced, her name is 
Patricia Schaller.  Her website is:
I'm not sure she's even doing readings anymore.  The last time we spoke she was 
having health issues that, I think made readings difficult for her.

Lost animals do seem to be really tough to do for most ACs.  Usually when I 
call for something like that my only real expectation is to find out if the 
animal is still in body.  Have questions ready that might help you figure out 
the location yourself.  When my sister's cat went missing, we asked if when he 
got out he was in a panic and ran hard and fast, or did he hunker down 
somewhere close to the house?  Ask if the cat can hear his mom calling for him. 
 Sally, one of our former list members asked to have the cat meow back if he 
heard her calling and it saved his life, (he was stuck high up in a tree for 
days and she had been circling near him never knowing he was there until he did 
finally answer her calls).  Carol has a bunch of really good suggestions for 
trying to locate lost animals and the experience I had with Patricia and my 
bottle baby Ursula's disappearance  literally changed my life.  I check in once 
and a while with the AC group Belinda is talking about and
 they may be able to help. 

One of the things I did when Ursula went missing was to make up business size 
cards with the cat's picture and info on it to hand out to anyone on the 
street, or to tuck into neighboring doors.

I've been so fortunate to have only happy endings with lost animals.  I know 
how nerve wracking it can be while you're frantically searching.  Tell your 
friend how sorry we are to hear about her baby's disappearance and that we are 
all sending positive thoughts on his/her recovery.  How long has he been 
missing?  Could you post his name, description and a little more info about the 
circumstances?  I don't know if it helps, but I'd like to send specific prayers 
out for his return.  Please let us know how it goes.

Susan Loesch wrote:     Has anyone had any experience with Judi Byers in,. I 
believe, North Carolina?   I know a couple of years ago when Gloria and I were 
searching for one of our rescue group's cats, Sam, who'd gotten away from his 
foster home, there were several recommendations from people on the list.    One 
of our members has lost a cat - we've done all the obvious things -- massive 
amt. of flyers up, ad in paper, even on radio; many man-hours of going door to 
door and walking the streets and handing out handbills offering reward, 
crawling under houses, etc. I would bet 50-60 man-hours if we added up 
everyone's time.   The owner came across this psychic on the internet and 
actually expected some closure, thinking she'd say Jack was dead.  Instead she 
has sent email, maps that don't seem to fit the area -- enough things to make 
us wonder if she is legit.  
  Also, those of you who have had positive experiences, if you have 
recommendations of specific people that'd be super.  Thanks.

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