Oh my dear, be very careful. You're not going to find anyone being "indulgent" or open to "education" under those circumstances. How is Animal Control around there? Don't let those people think for a minute that you will be sticking your nose in their horrid business. Covert is definitely the word for dealing with that sort of thing. Just the thought makes my stomach churn. The "dogs for protection" people can sometimes be reached with reason and tact, (hard to do, but you have to approach them as if you do believe they have some feelings for their animals). There was a group of people, I can't remember the organization's name, that used to go door to door with things like run lines to install for dogs chained up. You know, a line strung from tree to tree, (or post to post), that would allow the dog a little more freedom of movement. They'd bring gifts of food and supplies and try to get their message out to the people that might be swayed. Bless their hearts, and your's too, it seems to be a never ending uphill battle.

Susan Loesch wrote:
Most of the dogs we have come across are strictly for protection - and we wonder how well cared for. The "search team" yesterday came across several yards full of what we think is fighting dogs in training -- we have to address that in addition to the cat issues.

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