Sending big hugs to Lucy...praying hard for her, for her red cell
production to resume, for her belly to return to normal, and for her
full recovery and full enjoyment of life. 
All the love and care she's getting from her mom will go a long way too.
Kerry M.
 -----Original Message---- 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:53 AM
Subject: Please pray for Lucy

The vets are still all stumped by her case but think it is wet fip.  I
have been researching feverishly and she is on a lot of meds and is
eating, but otherwise seems to be going downhill. Someone on an fip list
serve emailed me about a cat who had all the same symptoms plus
additional ones who was not given any hope and was hospitalized and not
eating.  The man got all his friends to pray for his cat, even though he
himself was not religious, and his cat inexplicably completely
recovered. The vets can not explain it, but it is 5 months later and he
is fine. I have read medical studies saying that people who are prayed
for tend to get better more frequently and faster, for whatever reason
(the study was written by doctors from a medical, not religious,
perspective and they offered no hypothesis of why). So I am asking all
of you to pray for Lucy to get better, for her to start producing red
blood cells again and for the fluid to go away from her belly and for
her symptoms to all get better.  If you would pray for her even once,  I
would appreciate it. I have tried everything else.
thanks as always,
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