Thanks for that reminder Phaewryn.  I've actually been able to postpone 
tomorrow's meeting (my boss had asked if I wanted to this morning because I've 
been sick, but like a dope I said I'd be okay!...but I was able to call 
everyone and tell them we're postponing it.  I think it's for the best all the 
way around).  So I've made the appointment for tomorrow evening at 6:40 - the 
last appointment of the day - and have found a friend to go with me.
  I can't believe I'm doing this.  It seems so...FINAL.  And I guess it is,  I know it's what's best but that doesn't make it any easier.
  Anyway, Slink and I have the rest of tonight and all of tomorrow to be with 
each other.  Thanks again for all your support!

          When I lost Moogie, I had to drop her off at the vet and go to work. 
They called and told me that she was dying and there wasn't anything else to 
do... I rushed back over, but only got about 30 minutes with her. I wish I 
would have blown off work and spent that morning with her. You can't get that 
time back.
  My thoughts are with you. 
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