Food is very very important. Cats cannot go without food for very long without running the risk of feline hepatic lipidosis which is what you do NOT want to have to deal with on top of everything else. You must get her to eat a good high calorie diet whether you finger feed, spoonfeed, syringe feed. There is is a wonderful Assisted Feeding list on yahoogroups & I strongly urge you to join it. I cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of her eating. A teaspoon here & there won't do it. She has to have a full calorie regimen EVERY day!


Taylor Scobie Humphrey wrote:
Oh, Cassandra, what an incredible bummer. I guess livers don't get needle biopsies, huh? Also, I wonder why they didn't give her an anti-nausea pill or liquid if she hasn't eaten since Saturday. Do you know a veterinary oncologist? They truly make a big difference.

You must feel just overwhelmed. Believe me, we've all been there and we're all praying for little Kisa.

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 22, 2007, at 8:20 PM, C & J wrote:

Well, after going to the vet today, it's not looking good for Kisa.
She has elevated bilirubin in her blood/urine, and elevated number of lymphocytes. Therefore they believe she has a liver disease, possibly lymphosarcoma. The only way they can tell for sure what the problem is with her liver is to do a biopsy which means surgery. They didn't suggest doing this though because of the FeLV and her immune system being compromised. They gave me prednisone and baytril for her, though i'm really not sure how she'll handle keeping those down when she is vomiting so easily. They're hoping the steroid will make her feel a little better and maybe regain some appetite. I've really got to try and get her to eat something, she hasn't eaten since Saturday night now. I don't understand why this is all happening at once. First I watched Tomi get sicker and sicker for nearly 2 months. As soon as he started getting better, Koda got sick with kidney and liver failure, and died. Now, barely a week later Kisa goes from being a super healthy and active cat to death's door. I haven't even had enough time to get used to Koda being gone, now its another crisis situation. This is all after having nothing but healthy, happy, and active cats for 12 years. I used to think how awful it would be if my house burned down while I was away and my 5 cats were inside. What is happening now is almost worse than that since it is so prolonged and i'm beginning to wonder if something I am doing is causing all this (like feeding raw food). I've always kept my cats indoors because I didn't want them to get run over by a car, etc....but they seem to be no safer indoors. Sorry for venting on you all, its just really starting to affect me, both emotionally and financially. Cassandra

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