Hi All,

I don't post much anymore, but I do continue to read your posts & I have
been keeping your fur-babies in my prayers.  I have been on the list
for a long time & while I don't know James *personally*, I do know that
attachements are usually a no-no as well as posts that are very long. 

I've also heard from several co-workers & friends that have "upgraded" to
Vista and most of them regret it - way to many problems involved, but I
don't know if that would have any impact the list mail, just your own
personal computer.

Also, some people seem to get the list emails snagged by their spam
filters. Adding felvtalk@felineleukemia.org to your favorites list seems
to help alleviate this filtering.

In Dec 2005, Jenn/Phaewryn created the OT list so that this one could be
mostly just FeLV information & discussions, which is what new-comers are
searching for when they find us.  This is what her original post said:
"OT list created. Join HERE: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/felvot/
If you are already a member at any Yahoo service, you can sign up with
your existing yahoo ID, just let me know who you are, so I can connect
your yahooID with you name on this list, because I made it a closed list,
so ONLY members HERE can sign up THERE, and I have to approve everyone
manually. Otherwise, just use your email address that you use here, and I
will approve you instantly."    

If I remember correctly, James's health isn't the best and he's been very
busy & I believe he is also legally blind, so please be patient with him,
and the rest of us.  We are one of the most caring list families around. 

Kat (Mew Jersey)

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