I hope it all works out Melissa!

Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                Oh dear me! I could write a book entitled “5 vodkas, an 
ex-marine, and a kitty.” I went to have a birthday drink with my career Marine 
buddy who was 78 yesterday. That drink turned into 5. Then I went to check on 
the stray that I’m looking after who is incidentally named Sarge after this 
buddy of mine—both are blind in the right eye. As I’m calling for Sarge, out 
comes a little gray tiger. She was so hungry but also scared. I scooped her up, 
probably not very gracefully after the vodkas—I’ve noticed quite a few nice 
scratches this morning from last night. 
  She stayed in my home office room last night and left two nicely sized poops 
near the litter box on the carpet J. She’s not a friendly kitty that likes to 
cuddle—lots of hissing. Poor thing has had a rough life so far. Her ribs are 
practically poking through. 
  I took her to the vet this morning, but I haven’t figured out what her name 
is yet. I’m awaiting the FeLV test. So keep your fingers crossed—for the test 
and for my marriage! Haven’t told my husband yet! I might board the kitty over 
the weekend in hopes that I find homes for my two foster cats. That would 
assuage my husband. I need to make room (we have 3 of our own “permanent” cats) 
before I take in more. We have a 5-cat rule. But does a kitten (about 12 weeks 
old) count as a full cat? J
  Hoping for the best…
  Melissa Lind

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