  I remember Monkee and all the heartache you guys went through.

I would be doing all positives a disservice though if I didn't make a point about what my vet told me and I have personally seen happen with some cats on the lists I'm on.

Sometimes for what ever reason it takes 2 or 3 or more transfusions to kick start a cats blood production, my vet told me she has done up to 5 transfusions on the same cat with no ill effects. Of course you still need to find out what is causing the anemia so you can hopefully fix it. Baileys anemia was his first symptom of the cancer we couldn't find until after he passed BUT we did reverse the non-regenerative anemia with epogen and prednisolone, his HCT was normal (33% from a low point of 15%) when the cancer took him.* * I didn't need to do a transfusion with Bailey because I did a bone marrow aspirate to find out what was causing the anemia and treated accordingly.

Every cat I've lost has taught me something in hindsight that I and my vet missed at the time, I wish my guys weren't the ones that had to pay with their lives but I know one thing, if I ever hear of a cat having the same symptoms or God forbid I have a cat with like symptoms, I will know what to tell them to look for, doesn't mean they will but I will make the effort to let them know.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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