A couple of thoughts. FELV has been around forever-out there among loose
cats and they haven't all died off---sooooo, its not as contagious as
everybody thinks.  If you're maintaining a controlled colony, I'd just get
them s/n and maintain the colony as you're doing.


Christiane Biagi


Cell:  913-720-6888



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sharyl
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 9:24 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Introducing Sissy and Rocket


I had been feeding a group of dumpster 8 kittens and ended up rescuing 2,
Sissy and Rocket, when they were about 12 weeks old.  On their 1st vet visit
both tested FeLV+.  I will have both retested the end of April to see if
they are still positive.  I have them quarantined in my garage.   They are
eating Iams canned kitten food supplemented with a Super B Complex,
Lactoferrin and DMG.   So far they are responding well and seem very
healthy.  Both have had their kitten shots and been wormed.


If they stay positive I will either find a forever home for them or build an
enclosure onto the garage for them.  I have 2 indoor kitties and one has CRF
so am concerned about bringing them into the house.


My questions concern the rest of the colony which includes at least 4
adults.  I can not take all of them in.  My plan had been to TNR the colony
(trap/neuter/release). The vet is recommending euthanizing the entire colony
if these 2 stay positive.  I am not sure where I will be able to get then
neutered if they are positive.  And I can not trap them just to have them
euthanized.  That may be the best thing to do but I just can't do it.  Is
there any info on how to deal with a FeLV+ feral colony?  Any advise on how
to get them neutered?  Am I obligated to tell the vet about the potential
for FeLV when having them neutered?


Sharyl Sissy and Rocket

ES of VA



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