I personally would keep the two positives along with my other cats (having them 
vaccinated of course).  I brought in two positives with an older crf cat (who 
eventually died from kidney failure), but he never tested positive from being 
with the positives.  I've had up to 12 negatives mixed with 2 positives for 
over 10 years now.  No negative has ever contracted the disease.  The positives 
came to me positive.

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    I had been feeding a group of dumpster 8 kittens and ended up rescuing 2, 
Sissy and Rocket, when they were about 12 weeks old.  On their 1st vet visit 
both tested FeLV+.  I will have both retested the end of April to see if they 
are still positive.  I have them quarantined in my garage.   They are eating 
Iams canned kitten food supplemented with a Super B Complex, Lactoferrin and 
DMG.   So far they are responding well and seem very healthy.  Both have had 
their kitten shots and been wormed.
  If they stay positive I will either find a forever home for them or build an 
enclosure onto the garage for them.  I have 2 indoor kitties and one has CRF so 
am concerned about bringing them into the house.
  My questions concern the rest of the colony which includes at least 4 adults. 
 I can not take all of them in.  My plan had been to TNR the colony 
(trap/neuter/release). The vet is recommending euthanizing the entire colony if 
these 2 stay positive.  I am not sure where I will be able to get then neutered 
if they are positive.  And I can not trap them just to have them euthanized.  
That may be the best thing to do but I just can't do it.  Is there any info on 
how to deal with a FeLV+ feral colony?  Any advise on how to get them neutered? 
 Am I obligated to tell the vet about the potential for FeLV when having them 
  Sharyl Sissy and Rocket
  ES of VA
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