Hi Amy,

I'm sorry to hear about Wolfie. I don't have most of my email handy, so
I can't look back at what you've written. Have you tried Transfer
What about Liquid DMG? These are affordable supplements, and they *seem*
to have helped in the case of my FeLV+ girl, Ember. DMG especially 
*seems* to have little possibility of any negative consequences. When
I've seen wbc issues in Ember, I've *seemingly* reversed some losses
with these supplements. Please note how I use the word *seem*. 

Neupogen might be an option. It's something I'm keeping in mind, 
but I don't know much about it, other than it helps with wbc generation. 
I believe some folks have used ImmunoRegulin in similar situations to
and had good results. Maybe the archives will shed some light on that. 
And I could be wrong, but I seem to remember Epogen helping in non-regen 
anemia, though that makes absolutely no sense. Again, the archives will
hopefully help.

LTCI might help with wbc generation. I'm seeing lots of mention of it
on the list, but I'm very leery of it. We FeLV+ caregivers are so eager
for anything that might help, but the marketing Immulan has engaged in
has been questionable. Of course, that doesn't mean that it doesn't
but the company haven't done enough proper tests to provide real
that their product works. It's good that we're getting anecdotal
on the list, but that only goes so far. 

Finally, I wonder if Pet Tinic might not help the rbc that Wolfie is
to produce. It's really just nutrients and nothing terribly unusual...
mainly iron, I think. 

Obviously, when it comes to any of these options, please consult your

My hopes and prayers for Wolfie's health, and for your ability to find
something that might help his blood counts.


On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 19:01 -0800, "Amy" <awilkin...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've posted before about my cat Wolfie.  He's 7 years old and has been
> losing weight for the past 4 years.  His HCT is also down (currently 25).
>  We've treated for hemobart and retested and he's now negative (was
> positive before).  He has started gaining weight and has put on a pound
> but I'm sure the leukemia is in his bone marrow.  He's been tested and
> has non-regenerative anemia.  He's been stable for a few months but his
> WBC, RBC, and platelet counts are all gradually declining.  I was
> expecting him to crash when I got the confirmation of non-regenerative
> anemia but he's holding his own.  I was told he's probably making red
> blood cells in his liver or spleen, just no longer in the bone marrow.  
> Has anybody ever had luck with LTCI or any of the other things mentioned
> once it has gotten to this point?  I've done all sorts of testing for
> digestive issues, lymphoma, IBD, etc.  We have made a couple trips to
> Cornell and decided to just keep him on pred and monitor trends for now. 
> I keep hoping for some miracle but I know the prognosis is not good.
> Thanks
> Amy  
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