What hapens with giving them a dab of honey is that it boost the blood sugar so 
if they might start to eat. It is the sugar, not the texture. I've a rescue 
group and fosters , we always use honey in cases when a cat stops eating, 
specially with kittens and anemic cats. Rub honey or Karo on their gums so it 
is absorbed by the skin, sugar goes directly in their bloodstream w/o having to 
use energy to break up what they swallowed. Also give sugar water by syringe, 
shoot in cheek pouch.
I wished the good foods were more palatable to cats, mine don't like them 
either but they love Purina cat chow and Fancy Feast..like ppl we are not too 
atracted to health food though;)


--- On Fri, 2/24/12, dppl dppl <dppl1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: dppl dppl <dppl1...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Felvtalk] Mixing pos and neg cats
To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Date: Friday, February 24, 2012, 10:58 PM

Toni, i enjoyed reading about your family and your tips. I also put a dab of
vicks vapor rub on the nose of  my cat that had the respiratory infection . I 
Wellness dry cat food but none of my cats would eat it. They like some of
the purina one  dry food flavors. I tried the Tiki brand b/c I heard it was 
good but
after trying it my cats didn't really want to keep eating it. they liked the 
and chicken best or plain tuna.  I tired purina one canned but they
don't really like it that much. They like some of
the fancy feast and publix brand and target boots and barclay. I would prefer 
they ate foods without dyes, etc but they seem to like the "junk" food. I give
them deli low salt turkey for a treat every now and then. Re losing hair
years ago I used to use frontline and it took the hair off the area of one of
my cat's neck and it didn't grow back for years. some of my cats foamed
at the  mouth so I just gave up.  I use a flea comb on them, drop the fleas in
alcohol. I have a cat fence section of my yard and have been treating it
with diamateceous earth, supposedly a natural flea killer. I have noticed
fewer fleas so i will keep trying. 
Another issue is kitty litter. My cats hate any scented. Re the corn and hard
pellet, they refused to use it. I currently use
Dr Eisley but it doesn't absorb as good as it used to. 

From: dppl dppl <dppl1...@yahoo.com>
To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3:10 PM
Subject: Tips to share?

On a different subject thought I might share this 
Re taking cats to vets:
I often forget this in the stress of trying to help a sick animal
 but if you put an  t shirt or towel you wore in the carrier with your scent , 
seems to calm them. Ask vet staff to put it in their kennels if they are being 
from the carrier they came in..
Re getting a cat to eat:
I recently had three older cats that were sick and were being treated with 
and wouldn't eat. One had upper respiratory congestion. One urinary infection.
One reason unknown. They were on antibiotics but still wouldn't eat.
Sometimes antibiotics upset stomach.
Searched the internet and found a suggestion to put a dab of honey in
their mouth. Don't know if coincidence or the antibiotics kicking in
 but it seemed to help them maybe soothed
sore throat or stomach. I only put a dime sized drop on outer lips once or 
twice . I am not a vet so
if you are thinking of trying this,. 
Check with your vet first, as i did to make sure no harm given your cat's 
specific condition..
one of the sites mentioning honey is 
has anyone else had experience with this home remedy?
Cat with upper respiratory infection:
I also put my cat in the bathroom when i took a steaming shower. I think 
it really helped.


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