I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that, and  for your cats too.  How 
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On Jan 3, 2012, at 5:44 PM, MaiMaiPG <maima...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I had two females.  One was treated as a regular cat, spayed, came home and 
> was kept up and checked on regularly.  She was fine, eating and.well fine 
> when I checked her on the second/third night.  She was dying in my arms the 
> next morning.  A very few months later I had another female, tested for 
> everything, taken to another vet (she was not related to the first girl), 
> spayed and given a lot more care.  She came home, was kept up and was dying 
> in my arms the third day.  There was no evidence of any problems with either 
> girl.  And both vets are great but they are one person practices so they 
> weren't around when I needed them the most.  Two cats, two vets..........it 
> happens and we can't always predict it.  Needless to say, I die inside every 
> time I have a female spayed and have found a multiple vet practice that is a 
> longer way from here and no girl comes home until after the third day.  At 
> least she will be near medical care if things go sour  Things happen and 
> sometimes there just isn't anything we can do.  We do our very best and that 
> is all we can do.
> On Jan 3, 2012, at 5:07 PM, HIDEYO YAMAMOTO wrote:
>> I would recommend to run a blood work to make sure that everything looks 
>> good before the surgery - especially CBC portion as sometimes their WBC/RBC 
>> might be a little off -
>> I don't know if it's conincidence or not - I do believe that stress sort of 
>> triggered the disease - my completely healthy cat Tsubomi died about a month 
>> after the surgery - I think she had lymphoma - but we did not even think of 
>> it as she was completely healthy - I was devastated.
>> Hideyo
>> > Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 16:02:48 -0500
>> > From: felineres...@frontier.com
>> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] neutering a positive cat
>> > 
>> > I rescue cats and I've have had many FelV positive cats neutered or
>> > spayed. If they are healthy at the time they come thru the surgery
>> > just fine regardless of their FelV status.
>> > 
>> > Lorrie
>> > 
>> > On 01-02, dppl dppl wrote: I still have Mitt, the kitten I found in
>> > > October who tested positive. He seems to be healthy at this time
>> > > and around 7-8 months old. I am thinking I should have him
>> > > neutered but the local humane society refused to do surgery on a
>> > > positive cat, claiming surgery could trigger an immune system
>> > > problem. Has anyone neutered their positive cat after finding
>> > > out it was positive and what was your experience? Thanks for any
>> > > input. PS: Someone asked my in a prior posting why the vet give
>> > > vaccinations before getting blood work results that showed
>> > > positive. She sent the blookwork to an outside lad since she
>> > > said it would be less costly and that same visit when blood was
>> > > drawn, she went ahead and did vaccinations.
>> > 
>> > 
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