It's true about declawing...people NEVER knew how awful it was, they thought 
it's like a manicure! Vets who suggest it are in it to make money, that's all!  
Most of them, I can guarantee, have no idea (or don't care to know) about side 
effects, emotional and physical.  1) people abandon declawed cats because of 
urinating outside the litter box, 2) cats become totally unpredictable/bite, 
and 3) going into deep depression. So, when people tell me that their cats were 
absolutely normal, how would they know that? What is normal? I've had a few 
declawed rescues - each one, without fail, peed everywhere.  I had to get 
piddle pants for them!  One would bite for absolutely no reason (that I saw), 
but he had a good reason!  Yes, there are some cats that seem not to be 
affected, at least outwardly, and people even allow them to go outside, which 
it the worst thing to do.
A friend declawed her two cats when she adopted a baby.  Both cats bit the baby 
really hard when their tails or ears were pulled, and guess what happened to 
the cats?

-----Original Message-----
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

But isn't it the different opinions and even judgementalism that sparks new 
ideas, makes people think?  No, we should not get nasty, but especially 
declawing, that is so detrimental to the cat.  Isn't it better to find a 
solution for the clawing on furniture, find out why the cat is doing it.  Then 
we can corrrect the situation.  One thing I have learned thru the years is that 
most BAD cat behavior is caused by their people's actions or lack of 

---- Kelley S <> wrote: 
> I think yall misunderstand.  I don't care about off topic posts and we 
> used to talk about everything under the sun.  It's the JUDGEMENTALISM 
> that has been creeping in for a long, long time.
> Declawing  I don't do it, but one of our valued long term list members 
> (at least I hope she is even still here) volunteers for a rescue that 
> has 2 parts, an FELV sanctuary and an adoptable cat rescue - and all 
> the adoptable cats are routinely declawed by the rescue owner, a veterinarian.
> Now I'm sure just this post will generate about a month long argument, 
> which is kind of my point about judgement.
> And let a breeder come on here and dear Lord.  More judgement.  I hate 
> fighting and judging.
> On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 2:24 PM, Cindy McHugh <> wrote:
> >    I understand the purpose of this group, but I think it’s up to 
> > the mod to decide of OT posts are permitted. I found the OT subjects 
> > interesting, but when I didn’t feel like reading any more, I used 
> > the magical delete key.I t part, those who have participated in the 
> > OT discussions have made their points very respectfully and without 
> > insult. (I’m not sure I can say the same regarding the comment that 
> > the list has gone way, way downhill.)
> >
> > ********
> >
> > ****I hope we call all agree to disagree as necessary while 
> > remaining dedicated to the FeLV+ kitties that need us. **I do rescue 
> > and joined this group when one of our rescues tested positive. He 
> > was adopted more than a year ago, but I’ve stayed on the list 
> > because of the kindness and compassion of the folks here. I don’t 
> > think the list has gone downhill at all and I’m sure that if someone 
> > poses a question about a cat in need, focus will quickly be 
> > redirected.**
> >
> > **
> > Cindy**
> >
> > ****
> >
> > ****
> >
> > *From:* Felvtalk [] *On 
> > Behalf Of *Kelley S
> > *Sent:* Friday, October 05, 2012 2:46 PM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)****
> >
> > ****
> >
> > I have to agree - this list used to be such a positive influence in 
> > my life - I joined years ago when I had a kitten test false pos - 
> > and I stayed because the people were so wonderful.  It has gone way, 
> > way downhill.  ***
> > *
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:55 PM, Elizabeth Malone 
> > <>
> > wrote:****
> >
> > I have been with this list since my kitten developed Feline Leukemia 
> > in 2006. I have seen it go way off topic and people that have been 
> > invaluable leave. I realize I don’t post often, but as I am with 
> > many animal groups I do send people that are struggling. It was most 
> > disheartening to know that they were not able to get help, but did 
> > learn that people hated their beliefs. They just needed guidance 
> > because they are dealing with this for the first time. This has 
> > always been a place to hear the newest treatments and for those 
> > given grim news the knowledge that there is always hope.****
> >
> >  ****
> >
> > *From:* Felvtalk [] *On 
> > Behalf Of *Lee Evans
> > *Sent:* Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:47 PM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)****
> >
> >  ****
> >
> > Don't fret Elizabeth.  Occasionally we get a little off topic but we 
> > soon get back on the "road". Just like you would take a journey and 
> > have to pull over to the shoulder of the road to allow your car to 
> > cool down we do the same here.  We all have different opinions and 
> > sometimes we just like to "cool down" by having a chat with people 
> > we feel safe with - people who rescue cats and who understand the 
> > ethical decisions we make in not killing those cats who test FeLv+.  
> > It feels to me like sitting down to dinner with a church group.  We 
> > all agree on the religion but we may all approach it in a different 
> > way and see it in a different way and even get way off topic and discuss 
> > hair styles and shoe styles.
> >
> > If you have a question about feline leukemia, please ask it and we 
> > will discontinue our chat about everything under the sun and moon 
> > and help you with your issue.  Blessings.****
> >
> >  ****
> >
> >  ****
> >
> > *Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and 
> > nasty neighbors too!*****
> >
> >  ****
> >   ------------------------------
> >
> > *From:* Elizabeth Malone <>
> > *To:*
> > *Sent:* Thursday, October 4, 2012 10:38 PM
> > *Subject:* [Felvtalk] (no subject)****
> >
> >  ****
> >
> > This list has always been so very helpful—now it is full of 
> > judgmental people that do nothing but bash those with different 
> > views. What is happening to this list? If people hunt they are evil. 
> > Like it or not many people all over the world hunt—they are all 
> > condemned because there are those that hate it. Then the list is now 
> > into politics. What happened to helping deliver information about 
> > feline leukemia? People that look in to get help see this and leave. 
> > It is heartbreaking that this is deteriorating away from what 
> > brought all to the list in the first place.****
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> > rg****
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> > rg****
> >
> > ****
> >
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> > _______________________________________________
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
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> >
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> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
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> >
> >

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