People who hunt for the trophy are wrong.  Those who hunt to help feed their 
family are right.  
Politicians will tell you what they think you want to hear and do what they 
want.  I am desperate enough this year to vote for one of my cats - write in 

---- Elizabeth Malone <> wrote: 
> This list has always been so very helpful-now it is full of judgmental
> people that do nothing but bash those with different views. What is
> happening to this list? If people hunt they are evil. Like it or not many
> people all over the world hunt-they are all condemned because there are
> those that hate it. Then the list is now into politics. What happened to
> helping deliver information about feline leukemia? People that look in to
> get help see this and leave. It is heartbreaking that this is deteriorating
> away from what brought all to the list in the first place.

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