Not even close. I asked the oncologist to give me the name and number of the person from the FDA who called him, and when I get it I plan to call and find out what I can, as well as who makes these decisions. My plan then was to enlist all of you as well as the Marley Fund and any other group I can convince to flood the decision-maker with emails, faxes, phone calls, and whatever and see what we can do. I think it depends on why the decision was made- if it has to do with bioterrorism protocols and the office of Homeland Security or the DOJ, I think we are probably not going to get very far.
The other thing I did was email Matthew Scully, who wrote the book Dominion, which is a conservative's plug for animal welfare.  He was a speech writer for Bush who was so moved by his FeLV+ cat he took in off the street and who died that he got heavily into animal welfare/rights issues and ended up quitting his speech writing job to write the book Dominion.  Given his experience with his cat and his ties to the Bush administration, which controls the FDA, I emailed him to see if he can suggest anything or talk to anyone. I have not gotten a response, and do not really expect to because he probably gets thousands of emails and will not even read mine. I may see if Best Friends, which interviewed him about his cat in their magazine, might contact him for me.
Those are my thoughts. Any additional thoughts or insights or suggestions are requested and welcome.
In a message dated 1/24/05 1:21:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Michelle, just wondering if you've managed to resolve the VO situation. Kerry

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