So far so good, I do not let them eat tons of it and usually a like or two of fudge or any chocolate. Now sweets on the other hand are not good for any animal even us, but you only live once eat and do what makes you happy ;-)) My dog however loves Oreos, and the reason I know this is my son sneaks them to him, I think my son is old enough now to understand that it could kill him. I also do not buy Oreos anymore......
catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't think cats are supposed to get chocolate?  Is that just dogs? I used to have a crf cat that loved choc. milkshakes, but I'd just give him a taste.  I found out he liked them because he was in the carrier by my cupholder in the car and started trying to lick the straw so I gave him a little. lol.  We were on the way home from him having an ultrasound and being at death's door, so I figured if he wanted some choc. milkshake, he could have some.  After that he got well though and I had to ration him.  :)

Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
True, you get them to eat just about anything....I myself am a junk food junkie, so my cats snack on Fudge, Ice Cream and Twinkies (a favorite). I will go online and see where I can get these types of foods around here. Thank you

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