Thank you Cherie, I appreciate the prayers and the kind words.

Cherie A Gabbert wrote:

First of all, you took a healthy kitten off the street and gave her a chance, she could have been run over, eaten or straved to death. You loved her and took care of her so do not beat yourself up over this.
I really feel for you and you both are in my thoughts and prayers tonight.

*/Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    Hello Everyone,
    I'm so distraught about my Gypsy. She's the "feral turned house cat"
    that I've written to you about before. She's had Inflammatory Bowel
    Disease since Aug of '04, and nothing I've tried has helped her. I
    given her Prozyme, Probiotics, Pred shots, Flagil, Benefiber, I've
    started adding Colloidal Silver to her food. She has wasted away to a
    walking skeleton and hasn't played in months. The problem is
    by not being able to put her in a carrier and take her to the vet,
    just too stressful for her (and at this point the sedative needed to
    allow her to be handled, could kill her). Even the house vet that
    out wasn't able to examine her. He prescribed Methyprednisone shots
    (every 2 weeks), along with Metronidazole liquid that she took in her
    food for about 15 days before she started to refuse it. I! 've
    called a
    highly recommended East/West vet that I hope will be able to give me
    more ideas. I had tried putting her on a novel protein diet, but she
    stopped eating. When I began giving her the foods she loves again,
    seemed to gain a little weight, but this morning she refused her
    favorites (salmon and liver). I'm afraid I'm on death watch at this
    point and it's killing me.

    One of the most disheartening things about her condition, is that I
    think I'm responsible. I didn't know the dangers at the time, and
    I was
    doing my best to protect her, but I think I inadvertently gave her
    condition when I had her vaccinated. She had been vaccinated once,
    I first trapped her, and then spent months with my FeLV kittens
    I knew their status). She was negative when I tested her, and I had
    them give her two more series of shots afterward. The vet (someone I
    won't use again), mistakenly gave her a total of 3 rabies ! shots
    with all the other vaccines and it was only a month later that she
    started showing her symptoms. I took a healthy, vibrant kitten off
    street, exposed her to FeLV and then gave her IBD with too many
    vaccines! I can't tell you how miserable I feel.

    Thank you for letting me vent. I'm so frustrated and heartsick. I
    don't think I even have the option of helping her cross. How peaceful
    could it be for her to have a strange person trying to give her a
    Not to mention, trying to find a vein to put it in. I feel like I'm
    going to vomit.


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