I am so sorry to hear of all the recent sickness and have almost hestitated to report Simon's progress.  But I am reporting it, because it may cheer some of you up and may give others hope.  Simon is now pinker than he has been since getting sick (ears, eyes, and paw pads) and has returned to his naughty ways, finding lots of ways to get within view of our negative, Quincy, which torments him, and getting into boxes, closets, clothing piles, etc., sharpening his claws on our indoor palm tree, running out the door when we open it, etc. He is even playing some with strings, and jumping and running. he is still not eating as much as before he got sick, but he has gained back at least a few ounces of what he lost.  He is due to get Adriamycin on Thursday to try to keep the lymphoma at bay, so please send energy for him to be able to do that (it depends on his blood work) and for it to work and keep him feeling good.  It is unbelievably great to see him feeling so good and witness this turn-around, but I am so aware at every moment that it is temporary. Gray, who is Buddhist, keeps reminding me that everything is temporary, including our own lives, and that the point is to appreciate life and health while they are here.

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