I'm so happy for you.  You know, I was thinking of writing you about the euthanasia thing.  I used to be deadset against it, and deadset against taking people off life support, etc...  I realized when reading about you, your partner, and Simon that my opinions have changed over the years.  I've started feeling like I hadn't euthanized soon enough in several cases, and when my Grandfather was very ill, I wished we could just let him pass.  I don't know.  Simon has given me something to think about.  There's that quote 'where there's life, there's hope."

Simon thinks he is naughty too, so it's not really insensitivity. He thinks it's funny that he's naughty.  Right now he has been grooming himself for 30 minutes, though, rather than being naughty.  Before he got sick, he used to do this all the time, focusing large amounts of it on his round orange belly.  It's why I started calling him my beautiful belly boy.
He had an oncology appointment today.  His bilirubin is down to .6, which is almost normal and 50 times lower than it was at its highest!  His anemia is a lot better but not as much better as I thought it would be-- his PCV was 20 (normal is 33), but 2 weeks ago it was 11 or 9, depending on the reading.  He was able to get Adriamycin for the first time today, and it is the strongest of the lymphoma chemo drugs.  The oncologist said he is in partial remission, with probably more than 50% of the disease gone.  This of course is temporary, and the question is just how temporary. But it is wonderful nonetheless. My dog had good news too-- her cancer, after hardly growing for over a year on an experimental drug and some herbs had grown a lot last month, but this month seems to have not grown much again.  So I felt better today than I have in a long time.  When I got to one of the places I work this afternoon someone looked at me and said, w! ithout knowing anything, "wow, you look great, better than you have in months." Usually I get nervous when I feel so much better that something bad is going to happen, but my body needs to relax a little.
In a message dated 1/27/05 10:24:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I can't believe how insensitive you are.  Calling Simon "Naughty" - he's just enjoying some hard earned play time. :-)  This is the best news I've heard in a long time!  (BTW- my first line was a joke).  Temporary or not, enjoy the reprieve and let us know how he does.  I never would've dreamed I'd see a post like this one about him.  It gives me a great deal of hope and has me rethinking my feelings about the whole euthanasia issue.  Had he been mine, I probably would've helped him to the bridge that weekend when he seemed so close a couple weeks ago.  Lucky for him, he lives with you.

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