as others have said, baytril is considered the standard for urinary problems.

re: dosage--it's hard to keep track of all the different ones for different drugs, but there's a little book that i find invaluable. it's the Pill Book for Cats and Dogs--it's just like the Pill Book you see in all the drugstores for human meds, it's just for critters. you can get it through've never seen it ANYWHERE, but someone i volunteer with found it in a bookstore in ithaca, ny! it's not as complex as the merck manual, but is an excellent resource.

another thing that my vet JUST told me about last month, when one of my girls was showing all the signs of an UTI, is that there's new research about girl cats and UTIs that indicate that some will just have symptoms with NO infection at all--that despite all indications, nothing will culture out and the symptoms will go away on their own. he didn't give me any more info, tho i can probably get it--he'd been at a seminar specifically about this topic. (just left him a message to get the info!) vivi had been through 3 sets of acting-as-if in two months, and i'd treated her each time: it cleared up, then returned. after talking with ken, i just didn't treat the one she'd just started showing signs of--and darned if it didn't go away in the same amount of time as when i'd been treating, and has NOT returned.... she had the urgency, the tiny drops of urine, blood, everything, so it really DID look like a classic UTI. so i'd continue the baytril, and maybe ask your vet if he/she knows anything different about females and UTIs.

if you don't have baytril, i'd go with cefa before amoxy, myself....

having suffered from UTIs myself since childhood, i agree with what someone else said about knowing what it feels like--i know that once when i had a killer infection and was out of drugs (my doc used to prescribe basically a year's worth at a time cuz it happened so often), comfrey tea helped ENORMOUSLY in making me comfortable til i could get my scrip filled. maybe someone here knows whether comfrey is one of the herbs that are safe for cats...



My positive Lucy has been peeing frequently and has a little blood in her urine sometimes. She is otherwise acting normal and eating fine. I got Nosorb pellets in order to get a sample for the vet, but she refused to pee in the box with the pellets and tried to pee on the floor instead so I gave up. My vet will not prescribe an antibiotic without a sample and told me to lock her in a crate with the litter box, but I don't want to do that because she is very easily stressed and is positive. The woman who runs the shelter where I volunteer, and where my cats came from, says she treats UTI's with Baytril, which I have at home, so I put her on that yesterday. Have any of you used Baytril for UTI's and, if so, how long did it take to work? Also, do you think there is something else I should be worried this is, or just assume it is a UTI for now? She's never gotten one before, but I think she has been stressed by Simon being moved out of their space and me spending less time with them since Simon has been sick (Lucy and I are very close), and I have also given them some foods they do not usually get because of all the stuff I have tried with Simon.

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