i am HOPING that what my vet is talking about is NOT interstitial cystitis, because i know people with it and it is a HORRIBLE condition. i would hate to know that a cat was going through the intractable pain that humans with it do....


Barb Moermond wrote:
if you do a search, use the term "feline interstitial cystitis"  another term is idiopathic cystitis because they don't know what causes it.  It's certainly not just girl cats because Smoky is a boy:)
Humans also suffer from this condition and it is very frustrating for patients and doctors.
here is a link to a page that clearly explains the various urinary problems that kitties get:
here is the link to the most helpful article I'd found when this hit last month (granted, it's a study published in a specialty journal) :
here is a bit from that study that succinctly sums it up:
"Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic debilitating syndrome characterized by all of the symptoms of acute bacterial cystitis, including frequency, urgency, nocturia, and bladder/pelvic pain, without any abnormal findings on conventional urine culture and cytology studies."

TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

another thing that my vet JUST told me about last month, when one of my
girls was showing all the signs of an UTI, is that there's new research
about girl cats and UTIs that indicate that some will just have
symptoms with NO infection at all--that despite all indications, nothing
will culture out and the symptoms will go away on their own.

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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