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Accusing Israel of "illegal occupation" is a bullshit charge.
You cannot occupy what is already yours.

This analysis clearly points out legal and compelling reasons why it is 
incorrect to consider the territories occupied by Israel. (Israel holds 
the deed) Furthermore, settlements should be immediately annexed to make 
that claim obvious and all belligerent Arabs should be removed from those 
areas where they are a threat to Israel's existence and well-being.

  Describing the territories as "Palestinian" may serve the political 
agenda of one side in the dispute, but it prejudges the outcome of future 
territorial negotiations that were envisioned under UN Security Council 
Resolution 242. It also represents a total denial of Israel's fundamental 
rights. Furthermore, reference to "resisting occupation" has simply become 
a ploy advanced by Palestinian and Arab spokesmen to justify an ongoing 
terrorist campaign against Israel, despite the new global consensus 
against terrorism that has been formed since September 11, 2001.

To read this article in full, go to: http://pnews.org/ArT/ZioN/OcC.shtml


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