Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
I've lived in the region.  I'm married to an Israeli who served in the 
military.... I have family there galore.... and we have many many 
Palestinian friends who have experienced the domination of a military 
power in their region more than any other group in recent history. We 
have seen their land confiscated.. even inside Israel itself....as 
'security' measures...and compensated for at pre 1948 prices.... no 
choices given.  But, I won't convince you...so let's let it go.  Yours 
is the attitude that will ensure more deaths and destruction..... the 
claim that Israelis have the RIGHT to Arab land in the territories ends 
any rational discussion.

Hank Roth wrote:

>Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
>On Wed, 8 Feb 2006, Reggie wrote:
>>Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
>>Eye of the beholder. Those who cannot see what Israel has done
>>wrong...and terribly wrong....are not unlike those who believe the US
>>can do no wrong.  It's a pointless discussion.
>>Read the Tikkun and Voices for Peace pages..... stop labeling Jews who
>>want a just peace as being 'too far left.'  Look at the truth.....or at
>>least the experiences of both sides.... not just that of the
>>Israelis.... not the Jews...  the Israelis...  This is a political, not
>>a religious war.  It's over land and water rights...and the right wing
>>zealots are pawns.  They were paid huge bucks to settle in lands they
>>had no legal right to.  If you play with International law.... and say
>>it is just the work of lawyers, you destroy the premise of civilized
>>nations living under law.  That's nonsense.
>Nonsense. Not only do they have a legal right to the land - with a better 
>title than anyone, they have a philosophical right. As for labeling Jews, 
>you forget my credentials. I was in US Peace Now and a Representative for 
>Disarmament for NJA. I attended national staff meetings. We worked for 
>peace -- but there were not then and there are not now partners who will 
>meet us even part way (forget half way). There is no one to make peace 
>with. Say hello to HAMAS and Fatah was no better. Be real.
>Tikkun is a syrupy attempt at _playing_ the peace game but not exactly a 
>radical voice nor a rational voice ..
>      -----
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