Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

On Wed, 8 Feb 2006, Reggie wrote:

> Psst.  My husband was in Sinai at the same time. Eye of the beholder.  Not 
> nice to call anyone dumb.....
> Terrorists have reasons to be what they are.  Many see Sharon as a 
> terrorist....and I see Bush as the world's leading terrorist.  Sometimes, the 
> only weapon against tanks is a home made bomb.
> Never mind...

I don't recall calling anyone here a dummy - not by name anyway.
But if the label fits you are welcome to it. But what I said is I know 
dumb Jews. I may have said I know a lot of dumb Jews. And that is a fact.
It comes from being in organizations with them and trying to educate them 
and they still don't get it.

... Eye of the beholder, my ass. You must be very young. Bush is wrong and 
he is likely following a plan which seems perfectly right to him and about 
half of the people in this country. Ethics after all is something we 
invent. It is a cultural adaptation and motivation for doing unto others 
is so they won't do unto you and doing for ourselves that which is 
necessary to insure survival and a certain level of contentment. It is a 
philosophical argument, but religion is not even marginally sane; however 
it is understandable given our level of dis-enlightenment - our disregard 
for our biosphere and for the feelings of others not just in our species 
but all of them.

Those who see Sharon as a terrorist are also wrong. He is/was a warrior 
and probably next to Dayan the greatest Israel has ever had. For that he 
was hated. As for bombs, don't say that too loud. Homeland Security might 
be listening.


Try to stay on topic.......

     / o o \
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