This is a little off thread because it it switches from dye to pigment inks.  Have any 
of you who use 3rd party or Epson's new pigmented inks seen a shift in
colors after a relatively short time.


Urmas Tartes wrote:

> At 14:02 20.09.2000 -0700, you wrote:
> >> I know this may invoke some passionate responses but has anybody in this
> >> group actually experienced the Epson 1270 orange cast problem mentioned?
> >> I've read all the info provided in the links given but I've never actually
> >> experienced the problem myself. Am I in the lucky minority or am I not
> >> examining the prints closely enough over time?
> >
> >Yes, I have experienced it personally. I wasn't doing any type of
> >testing, but just making prints with my wonderful 1270 (purchased May
> >9th). I had a couple of prints on the family room wall, and one day
> >looked at one of them in passing and thought that I must be losing my
> >touch with Photoshop as the image looked awful and I'd remembered it
> >looking good before. I didn't have time to check it out then, but about
> >a week later I took another look and it seemed so bad I couldn't believe
> >I'd made such a horrible print.
> Maybe Epson did a fault pointing out too loudly that prints will last as
> much as common photographs. Actually they always added (somewhere with
> smaller text), that prints should be framed under glass or stored in album.
> They never claimed, that unprotected prints will last that much.
> Famous Murphy has told: "If anything does not help, read the manual!" That
> is the case here. Even printed book pages (black pigment color) fade when
> displayed under the sun.
> I got my Epson 1270 about month ago and I never expeted I can expose
> uncovered prints. And I am very satisfied with the results I have. No
> conventional photolab (and other photo printers) can match the quality.
> And if you do not want to use glass frames, you shoud cover prints with
> special spray (
> All the best,
> Urmas Tartes
> **************************************
> Urmas Tartes

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