Henk wrote:

> Just bought a Minolta Dimage dual II with USB.
> I hope someone can give me some clue why my
> scans are so dark.

Presumably you have switched autoexposure on in the options

Are there any highlights in the preview that are at 255,255,255, ie 
pure white?  On more than one occasion, I have thought that the 
preview scan was too dark (with autoexposure off) before I noticed 
that there were some highlights were already close to pure white.  In 
these cases, switching on autoexposure does make the general slide 
look more balanced but the increasing exposure has burnt out the 
highlights: where I have needed to retain the highlight detail, I have 
switched autoexposure back off and tweaking the curves or levels in 
Photoshop to compress the highlights and bring up the mid-tones.  (You 
could make these adjustments in the driver software but, if the Dual 
II software is like my Elite software, it does all its calculations on 
8 bit data so its better to scan out in 16 bit mode and do these in 

If you do a scan and look at the histogram in Photoshop, that should 
help to show whether there is data towards the 255 end.

Good luck,

Al Bond

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