> I don't quite understand that....  What exactly do you mean?  Not saying 
> you're at all wrong, just want to understand it (the bane of my 
> existence!).

I meant that PS seems to do less damage to the data, ie rounding 
errors and consequent drop-outs, combing etc, than OE scanner software 
does. Or than some lesser imaging programmes do.

I don't know why this should be the case, or even whether it definitely is, but
that is how it looks to me.

> A histogram is nothing but counting the values, and displaying them...not 
> really an algorithm...  

Quite so. But evidence of this presents via histograms (is what I meant)

> If you mean PS somehow does gamma correction 
> 'different' than I'd like to explore that.

Yes, that's how it looks.

> Gamma correction (ie, curves) 
> is only 'mapping' the input values to new output values...that's all there 
> is to the algorithm.... 

Well, I am speculating, but it is possible to imagine that further processing 
is possible - eg look for anomalous isolated spikes caused by rounding errors, 
and try and eliminate them somehow.

All I am saying, and this is tentative, is that PS seems not to quite make 
such a mangled mess of 8bit operations as OE s/w often does.


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info & 

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