How are you getting the 16bit scan into photoshop?
I am having trouble getting this to happen.

If you take the 8bit scan, change it in photoshop to
16bit, and then do the manipulations, is it any better?

Also, if you used lasersoft or vuescan, would this also
manipulate the 8bit data and not the 16?


At 01:17 AM 11/07/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Bob Wright wrote:
> > Al, how have you concluded that the Scan Elite
> > software does all its calculations on 8 bit data?
>I did two scans of the same slide.  With the first, I went to the
>levels tool in the driver software and adjusted the midtone (gamma)
>from 1 to 1.5.  I then scanned in 16 bit mode.  With the second scan,
>I made no adjustments in the driver software but scanned in 16 bit
>mode into Photoshop and then made the same levels adjustment there.
>  When the histograms for both scans are viewed in Photoshop, there is
>a big difference: the scan manipulated by the driver software has
>serious gaps at regular intervals in the histogram.  The Photoshop
>manipulated histogram remained smooth.
> >From what others on the list more experienced then me have said, this
>is indicative of 8bit manipulation and rounding errors.  (I guess I
>should have tried changing the mode in Photoshop to 8 bit and then
>doing the manipulation: in theory the histogram for that should then
>look identical to driver manipulated scan.)
>Al Bond

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