Guy: I  shoot 4x5 and send it to a lab.. I shoot way more 35mm, have the negs
processed and then scan it with my Minolta Scan elite... I shoot Reala negative...
it is very fine grain, has great latitude and built in color masks.... And what is
wrong with latitude... I remember David Vestal (one of the great darkroom gurus)
writing a year or so ago that yeah, the Zone System is great if you want to take
the time, but he has finally come to the conclusion that he is better off exposing
for the shadows and getting a printable negative.... I have tried to simplify my
technique so I can focus on images and light (I am not saying you don't have to
understand ythe technical side). That's all I started out saying. Most of the time
I get 8x10's at a local mini-lab (it's run by a pro photog) and pay about $7 for a
print... If I have been careful with the lighting, I get a good print... If not,
off to the custom lab.
I bought the scanner because I have been following some articles about shooting two
or three different exposures of the same scene and then combining them in Photoshop
to get an extremely full range shot...

Back to your original problem... Why don't you at least try shooting it on Reala?
The most you'll be out is $10 for film and processing. If color accuracy is a
concern, then put a MacBeth or Kodak color scale in some of the frames and adjust
for that... You might find the increased latitude of neg film makes your life
easier, the ability of Reala to handle mixed light sources will certainly simplify
things and I would wager you will get just as sharp an image as you will from the
transparency film....
if you want to see some samples of what neg film can do, go to my web site at  then go into the arcfolio section... not one transparency in the

Mike Moore

Guy Prince wrote:

> Mike,
>      I am glad you have had so much success.  But you apparently have
>      far more experience and equipment than I do.  All your great luck
>      with "C prints" helps me none.
>      What I have is what I have.  And with what I have I should be
>      able to get the LS-30 to produce a scan that is in focus.
>      If you or anyone is able to get a nice shot with a 4 x 5
>      negative, well bully for you.  Some of us don't have the
>      resources to do the same.
> Guy
> Tuesday, November 28, 2000, 2:18:57 PM, you wrote:
> MM> 1. The density range of a good repro quality C print is a lot closer to the
> MM> density range of printed materials than transparencies...

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