At 07:45 15/01/01, Pete wrote:
>All the available CCDs on the market today are limited to a dynamic range of
>5000:1 (~12 bits) at normal temperatures.

Aha!  That is the figure I was wondering about.  Thanks so much for this 
useful and factual piece of info.  Given the physics I would guess that 
noise figures are already towards thermal limits (?)and if so it is not 
possible to do much better without cooling.  So I guess too that drum 
scanners etc must use photomultipliers or something other than CCDs.

But we don't know whether the new Nikons do or don't use split exposures - 
which seems to be the logical way to go for CCD scanners - and should be 
easy for Nikon to implement given LED sources.  Maybe they do?

And probably they don't looking at the fast scan times.  Multiple exposures 
would significantly add to the scan time.  I wonder if they have considered 
this as a slower option.  And then I wonder why, when they already do 
multi-passes to reduce noise as in the LS2000, why they don't up the 
exposure for subsequent scans?  Maybe it is hard to keep things linear?

Just thinking aloud,


Julian Robinson
in usually sunny, smog free Canberra, Australia

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