
Were you able to compare a 2880 scan printed with the Fuji system?  The
conclusion you draw seems to be a bit hasty. : )

Spencer Stone


I had an interesting experience the other day. I had a 35mm slide
printed(8x10) by the Fuji Frontier 370 system. The Fuji system is
apparently 5000 dpi and uses a laser to expose Fuji Crystal paper
which is then chemically developed. The Fuji print was noticeably
sharper(by unaided eye) then the same slide scanned on my Minolta
Elite(2880 dpi) and printed at 8x10 with an Epson 1270. Examining the
Fuji print with a 20x magnifier revealed that it was much smoother
then the Epson print(In addition to resolving more detail). The
interesting part is that the scan itself has the fine detail that the
Fuji print is showing. This leads me to conclude that the printer is
the main limiting device with a 2880 dpi scan at 8x10. When Epson
releases a 1 picoliter printer the 4000 dpi scanners will be a
necessity for producing the sharpest prints. And as you are saying a
4000 dpi scanner will give one a better shot at producing decent
large prints using todays inkjet printers.


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