On Wednesday, July 10, 2002, at 09:39  AM, David W. Fenton wrote:

> You describe your crescendo as done with key velocities, but to me,
> that's not the way a crescendo should happen at all -- it should be a
> gradual increase in volume whether or not there are any note on events.
> If the passage with the crescendo is a pair of tied whole notes, your
> method would have no effect whatsoever.

Actually, I said that one could use key velocities OR the volume 
controller.  One could use the expression controller for that matter.  
My point is that it is just as quick and painless no matter what 
approach you take.  I use CC 7 (Volume) 95% of the time.

I don't want to poo-poo the things Sibelius can do as meaningless just 
because my preferred application doesn't do them.  I'm sure that if 
Finale introduced automatic volume fluctuations based on traditional 
notation standards which were tastefully implemented and easy to reshape 
or turn off, then I would not complain, and would eventually come to 
appreciate it.  But, I would love to see the whole interface revamped 
before gumming up the works with such things.  The ability to see, draw, 
and reshape controllers right on the score (I'm not talking about the 
one-staff-at-a-time MIDI tool window) would be a good start!  So would 
dependable playback of such things.


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